
Download Exif WMarker 2.2.4 (2025) For Windows

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gphotoshow Exif Wmarmer Full Version Gphoshow Exif Wmarmer Full Version in Windows. This is a simple and user friendly tool to add a watermark to the photos.

Exe Wmarmer Review

This simple and user friendly tool adds a watermark to your photos. This allows you to process all images in the folder and automatically write about all the information taken from EXIF ​​or XMP metadata fields. In addition, it can receive the inscriptions and CSV files described.

You can change the font, color and opacity or set special effects such as outline, shadow, shine or relief. It can overlap with a small image of a company image or logo and automatically change images. The size is made with high quality bicubic interpolation with a prefilter that retains the sharpness of the image by reducing.


    • Function and user friendly tool
    • Add water label to your photos
    • Change conical, color, color, and changes by changing the vibration of Kalid, color, color, color roller vibration. Pictures
    • Automatically change image sizes

Technical information and system requirements

    Supported OS: Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 10, Windows 10, Windows 10, Windows Windows (Memory): 2 GB RAM (recommended 4 GB)

Download Exif wMarker 2.2.4


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Download Exif Warker 2.2.4 Full Installer

Exif Wmarmer 2.2.4 Download Safe FREE

Exif Wmarmer 2.2.4 (2025) Quickly Download

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